About this mini site
Here, we mark the pan-European work of TISPOL.

Crossing Borders To Save Lives
For twenty years, TISPOL brought together traffic police from across Europe with its core aim being to help make the continent's roads safer.
From its UK base, the organisation was pleased to have police and/or interior ministry members in most European countries. By sharing knowledge and best practice, being innovative with new technology, carrying out multi-country road safety operations and keeping the public informed, TISPOL and its members made their contribution to reducing death and serious injury on Europe's roads.
Its objectives were to help foster:
- Safe roads
- Safe speeds
- Safe vehicles
- Safe road users
TISPOL had a small Executive, as well as Council with every member country represented. There were just two General Secretaries in this period, latterly Ruth Purdie and, before then, the late Ian Hamill. Both were supported by Pat Holdsworth, looking after financial and logistical matters.
What TISPOL did

The network
Brought European road safety professionals together to develop joint projects, share best practice and save lives.
Pan European focus weeks on seatbelts, speed, drink/drug driving, truck and bus compliance and distracted driving.
Public awareness
Regularly communicated with the public, police and partners via newsletters, webcasts and live events.
Worked with other road safety NGOs on joint initiatives and as a partner in a number of high-profile projects, like Project EDWARD.
Future work
ROADPOL, based in Germany, took on many of the operations of TISPOL and now operates as the European Roads Policing Network.
Archive news - selected stories
TISPOL Road Policing Seminar attracts positive comments from participants
Sunday, 19-Aug-18 13:37:39
TISPOL supports ETSC call urging EU President to reinstate serious injury reduction target
Thursday, 11-Jun-15 05:57:00